Reflections on the 2012 CDI



This was JD’s final year in the Young Horse classes and he seems to be exactly what the judges are looking for.  So I had high expectations of what we could achieve.   He is undoubtedly as good as any of the horses in the class, but I am not as skilled and seasoned rider as many of the competitors.  We did a nice job on the first day, coming fourth, which put us into the top ten and through to the second round.  But on Day 2 I got a little nervous, perhaps it was all those expectations.  We did a good test, but I think the tension in my hands resulted in a little loss of swing, and JD anticipated a change and it was late behind.  Against this standard of competition it is the little things that can make the difference between first and fifth.  We came fifth, still a stunner result for the little horse from the country.

Then there was Raven.  Raven has never been to a major competition and has never competed at SIEC.  He is a nervous horse by nature, often tending to shy and lift his giraffe length neck above the bit.  His behaviour was phenomenal, nothing fazed him, and he just took everything in his stride.  I was so proud of him.  But the judges did not like him and we did not score well.  I strongly believe that Raven is the most talented horse I have ever ridden.   I also think that he is extremely elegant and eye-catching.  Perhaps I was just so excited by his calm attitude that I forgot to push for those beautiful, expressive paces.   So Raven and I still have something to prove sometime in the future.  Meanwhile, it is a fabulous experience to have gotten him out in that atmosphere.

Regardless of where you place in the CDI it is always amazing just to get there.  It is a wonderful feeling riding around with all those beautiful horses, imagining that you are looking just as stunning.  It is great to catch up with all the people that you have gotten to know on this dressage journey.  The opportunity to sit and have a drink with friends is a nice way to spend a CDI evening.

Hopefully we get to do it all again next year.  But JD will have to step up into the big league and qualify for the Advanced class and we will have to find out whether the judges like Raven as a six year old.  2013 here we come.

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